Immigration & Legal


Alameda County Social Services 

American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU

  • Know Your Rights ACLU Refer to this handout to read about your rights as an immigrant in different scenarios.

American Immigrant Lawyers Association

  • Know Your Rights Handout Refer to this handout to read about your rights if ICE Visits a home, employer, or public space. Handout is also available in Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, Haitian Creole, and Punjabi.

SF Cairs - The SF Refugee, Asylee & Immigrant Forum

California Government

Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (CGRS)

Centro Legal De la Raza 

CLINIC The Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. works with passionate advocates who take up the cause of helping immigrants every day. They currently have over 390 affiliates across 49 states and the District of Columbia, fulfilling this important need. If you're looking for an affiliate near you, please use their directory to find one.

East Bay Community Law Center 

Higher Education Legal Services FREE immigration legal services to students faculty and staff at California Community Colleges

Immigration Advocates Network Use their directory to find nonprofit organizations that provide free or low-cost immigration legal service.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national nonprofit resource center that provides immigration legal trainings, technical assistance, and educational materials, and engages in advocacy and immigrant civic engagement to advance immigrant rights.



Legal Aid at Work




24/7 San Francisco Bay Area Human Trafficking Hotline In the United States, victims of trafficking are almost exclusively immigrants. Immigrant women and children are particularly vulnerable (Reference: The San Francisco Bay Area Human Trafficking Hotline (SFHTH) confidentially and safely connects survivors of human trafficking and their support networks with resources and protections. Please call 415-907-9111 for assistance.  

Stop API Hate



CAIRS - New Asylee Orientation Videos (English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish)

Pichuco el Gato Inmigrante - Dr. Francisco Rocco How to speak to children about immigration (Video in Spanish)

For more resources, please visit our Advocacy & Resources page.